Get Involved
We believe that everyone has something important and valuable to contribute. Our growing church has many areas to get involved in.
For our Sunday gatherings, if each person committed to helping out 2 Sundays each month we would have all our areas of need covered.
To sign-up, send an email to and let us know how you will get involved.
Areas to get involved:
-Guest Care
Demonstrate that guests are valued by assuring they are thought of ahead of time.
Positions include: Usher/greeter, hospitality (coffee & goodies), Set up/Tear down
-Lifehouse Kids
Take part in shaping the lives and faith of kids
Positions include: teacher, substitute, nursery, creative talent
-Music & Arts
Serve the Lifehouse community at our Sunday gatherings through music and the arts.
Positions include: artist, decorator, instrumentalist, media, sound tech, vocalist, writer
-Community Action
Engage in community action as an expression of our desire to serve and use our resources to demonstrate the love and hope of Jesus.
Positions include: Action ideas, volunteers, coordinators, administrative assistance
Participate in the growth of Lifehouse adults towards spiritual maturity.
Positions include: Group leaders, co-leaders, host homes
-Behind the Scenes
Serve outside the spotlight to keep Lifehouse in order
Positions include: Administrative assistant, exterior & interior facility maintenance (the Trinity building needs upkeep)Back to Main Page Click Here
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