Lifehouse Groups
As a community of faith, we desire to live in relationship with God and with other people. We want to be a place where one can be known, live out their faith, and feel connected with others. There are several ways someone could accomplish this at Lifehouse.
We invite you to move beyond Sunday morning and benefit from being known and knowing others in our groups.
Click on each group name below for more details:
Community Homegroups
Meeting weekly at various times
Women's LifeGroup
Meets Monday nights at 6:00pm
Women's Coffee Time
Coffee at 10am Saturdays (click here for exact dates)
Moms and Kids Play Group
Meets at 10am the 2nd & 4th Wednesday each month
Men's Connect Group
Breakfast at 8:30am the third Saturday each month
For more information on any of these groups please contact Joel Sommer at or 503-922-0151